Power Kids
Praise. Obedience. Worship. Encourage. Reach out.
Meets Every Sunday IN-Person @10:00am and Afternoon Kids service ONLINE @1:00pm
We care about kids! Our Children’s ministry provides kids with a solid foundation of biblical knowledge, connections with other families, and opportunities to help others. All of our activities are made to be age-appropriate, engaging, safe, and FUN!
Our mission is to reach all children and their families that enter through our doors with the gospel of Jesus Christ according to Colossians1:28-29. “He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ. To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me”.
We minister to all children from birth to 5th graders.
UBC Power Kids Groups,
- The Nursery 2 years and below.
- The Pre-schoolers & Kindergarteners (3 – 5yrs old).
- Elementary department for (1st – 5th graders).
We believe our families, children and volunteers should interact and minister to each other on the based on the following:
- A Biblical background.
- Discipleship
- Parental involvement.
- Relational
- Excellence
- Having fun
PKIDS Health Policy
Our policies and procedures are designed for safeguarding all children.
We do not provide any medications while children are in classrooms, except bandages. If a child needs medication, we will ask the parent to come administer it.
To minimize spreading germs, parents are requested to not bring sick children to church. Parents may be requested to pick up children from their classroom if they have any of the following symptoms:
- nasal discharge (other than minimal, clear nasal discharge)
- any discharge or substance around the eyes
- fever (must be fever-free for 48 hours without fever-reducing medication)
- unidentified rash
- inflamed throat and/or mouth
- excessive coughing or sneezing
- head lice
- open wounds without proper bandages
- unusually lethargic or irritable behavior
Children being treated with antibiotics should be on their medication for at least 48 hours before entering one of our classrooms.
PKIDS Safety Policy
For the safety of our children, we lock the lobby doors to the elementary area during the worship service. You may be asked to show your pick-up tag if you need to enter the area during the time period when doors are locked.
If you do not have the pick-up tag for the child you are picking up, you will be asked to show your driver’s license to the teacher, or they may request another form of verification.
We ensure that all of our volunteers are screened with applications and background checks. This is for the safety of your children. If you desire to visit a classroom, you may be asked to complete a background check authorization, or your visit may be limited or monitored. Thank you for understanding.
Private (mothers only) and comfortable nursing room is located with the Sanctuary (Worship Center).
conveniently so you can still participate in worship.
For further information please contact Pastor Naziri at